I have been asked to search for a file that was deleted. Here's the scenario, I need to look in all sub-directories under "ITS" for a file that was deleted, whose file name contains the word "server." Let's assume that we are monitoring file deletes, writes, moves, and renames.

Examples of the files that the report should discover are:
ITSdocshow to install an NT server.doc
ITSSoftwareISOsWin Server 2000 readme.txt
ITSall servers 2002.xls

So, I've selected the File Changes report in File Sight, then put in my start/end dates, file server name, file name "server" and ran the report. But this will give me all of the actions (deletes, renames, writes, and moves) against any file in any sub-directory where that partial name of the file exists (ie. ApplicationsExchange Server.pdf). So I have to use Excel to really manipulate the output to get what I want.

If I choose the Type of Change report to give me just deletes, then it will list all of the deletions that occurred in all sub-directories that we are monitoring.

My boss was wondering if there's an easier way to do this. I can't think of one, but I was hoping that someone has come across this before and has an easier solution.



asked 25 Feb '14, 10:00

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Asked: 25 Feb '14, 10:00

Seen: (+: (DEFAULT: ), 1) times

Last updated: 25 Feb '14, 10:00