My company has engineering files that can be 25+ gigs of data for each job. The files are in a job folder for example job_1234. This is all on a file server on E:DataShareEng"Job Folders"

Someone created another folder called data with sub folders so we had this E:DataShareEngdataShareEngJob1234 This folder was 35GB in size and was also located in the proper location. Is there a way that i could monitor for duplicate folder names within a folder and it's sub folders?

asked 11 Jul '14, 14:20

dsgcobra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi dsgcobra,

The product that you should use to help find duplicate files is PA Storage Monitor and the monitor that will gather that information for your is the File System Analyzer. You will then be able to run a report called "Duplicate Files" report.

You can download and try PA Storage Monitor for Free for thirty days.


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answered 11 Jul '14, 14:34

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 11 Jul '14, 14:20

Seen: 5,172 times

Last updated: 11 Jul '14, 14:34

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