I've scoured these forums and the rest of the internet for this but I can't seem to find anything.

We're monitoring a bunch of remote systems (on customer-controlled networks) but are responsible for the maintenance on the servers we supplied (Windows Server 2008 R2). Because we do not have direct connectivity to the remote systems, we are using the Ultra licensing to leverage the Satellite service on those remote systems. All of them are up-to-date with regards to Server Monitor - v5.6.0.163 as of this writing.

For the vast majority of the monitored systems, the Windows Update monitor in Server Monitor works perfectly. For a handful of them, we continue to receive problems when checking for Windows Updates with a status of "Can't Run" and a message of "No inventory to check" We have alternate remote access methods and can confirm the affected systems do, in fact, have Windows Updates that need to be applied and have been updated successfully multiple times via the GUI control panel item. Some of the servers are domain-joined, some are not. Regardless, we are using local administrator accounts when logging in and running Windows Updates. Server Monitor is configured to use the Local System account (though we have attempted to configure the satellite service to use the same local administrator account as a test - still no success, so was reverted back to Local System). Also, none of the affected systems are connecting to a WSUS server on-site and are, instead, connecting directly to Microsoft. Running "wmic qfe" commands are successful which suggests the WMI commands and structures are working properly.

We took one additional step in an effort to resolve this ourselves by stopping the satellite service, renaming the database folder, restarting the satellite service, and waiting for it to rebuild the DB structure. This did not help, though it didn't do any additional harm, either.

What am I missing? What can we do to troubleshoot this further?

asked 12 Dec '14, 17:47

racermd's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Quinn noticed we did not (somehow?!) have the checkbox enabled for "Collect System Details and Inventory Data..." under the Inventory Collector monitor. Once that was enabled and allowed to scan, those errors stopped appearing. And, while we still have a handful of systems still reporting that specific error, it has been isolated to an actual Windows Update problem on those systems.


answered 23 Dec '14, 09:35

racermd's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


We need to figure out what is happening so we need to review a few things. Would you please select one of the servers that you are not able to get information on. Then please send me a screenshot of the Inventory monitor for that server. Also I need to get a log files from the main server and the satellite. Please send all of that information to support@poweradmin.com


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answered 15 Dec '14, 14:09

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 12 Dec '14, 17:47

Seen: 8,873 times

Last updated: 23 Dec '14, 09:35

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