I am hoping someone can help as I am new to using PA. I ran all of the current critical and recommended updates on several of my VMs in my Hyper-V environment and this is now the third server reporting no monitoring for the System Performance Metrics. I am actually able to monitor ping and disk space without issue but the system performance metrics will not report. I have rebooted the VM multiple times and still no change or update. This is the error message I am receiving.

Computer: [Server]
Monitor: [System Performance Metrics]
\\Server\Network Interface(Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2)\Bytes Received/sec returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. [Err=0xC0000BC5, CurrUser=monitor, Imp={none}]
\\Server\Network Interface(Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2)\Bytes Sent/sec returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. [Err=0xC0000BC5, CurrUser=monitor, Imp={none}]
\\Server\Network Interface(Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2)\Bytes Received/sec returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. [Err=0xC0000BC5, CurrUser=monitor, Imp={none}]
\\Server\Network Interface(Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2)\Bytes Sent/sec returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. [Err=0xC0000BC5, CurrUser=monitor, Imp={none}]
\\Server\Network Interface(Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2)\Current Bandwidth returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. [Err=0xC0000BC5, CurrUser=monitor, Imp={none}]
[CPU: 30%]
[CPU: 30%]
[Page File: 0%]
[Memory: 8%]
[(Record uptime): 335 ]

Has anyone experienced this issue or have any advice pertaining to this problem? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

asked 30 Nov '16, 10:51

Jay_W's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Nov '16, 11:36

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦

Hi Jay_W,

The error that you are getting is coming from Windows. Most of the time the error is because of a permissions issue. You can test this by logging in on the server where PA Server Monitor is running using the same credentials. Then run eventvwr.exe (Microsoft Event Viewer) and try to view the data for that counter on the remote server. If you can't make that work, whatever is blocking it (usually a firewall) is also going to block PA Server Monitor.


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answered 30 Nov '16, 11:41

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank you for the quick response. I did not find any issue in the event logs or firewall causing the issue. However, I did notice that all three servers encountering the issue were listed as Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter _2 rather than Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter on all other VMs. Perhaps there was a NIC or NIC driver update for integrated services that caused the issue. I am looking into this further and will report my findings.


answered 30 Nov '16, 12:07

Jay_W's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 30 Nov '16, 10:51

Seen: 5,641 times

Last updated: 30 Nov '16, 12:07