Hi, I asked in April 2013 (two years ago !) when I could expect a Windows phone app and you said that you had not had many requests for it and hence the project was not started at that time.

Well now we are 2 years down the line and that question has been vied over 1800 times.... surely by now you must have figured out that you have customers monitoring Windows servers who would love to use their phone as well ?????

It would be a shame to use different monitoring application just because you can't deliver a phone app, but that is what we might need to do - waiting 2 years for you to catch up with the competition isn't fun.

do you have a release date yet? if so when can I expect the Windows Phone App ?


asked 30 Mar '15, 14:09

StevenJohns's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Steve --

We're sorry for the delay -- we still have had only about 8 requests in those 2 years for a Windows phone app. The good news is that we started working on it about 3 weeks ago. It will use the same code as the iOS and Android apps to keep functionality the same on all three platforms. We hope to have a release in a few more weeks.

I've made a note to come back and update this post when the release is out.



answered 30 Mar '15, 14:49

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

edited 30 Mar '15, 14:50

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Asked: 30 Mar '15, 14:09

Seen: 5,692 times

Last updated: 30 Mar '15, 14:50