I see that there is an API to call for many items but I do not see one that calls for Current Errors or the All servers report. Is there a way to call the two that I have mentioned above. This is what I am referring to: https://www.poweradmin.com/help/sm_5_7/config_api.aspx

asked 28 Jul '15, 11:38

skahlam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The only API tool that is available and can get server status is GET_MONITOR_INFO. It will return the current "status" and "errText".


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answered 28 Jul '15, 17:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Is that for an individual monitor or for all? We would like to call a report that will show all alerts or errors.... is that possible or will it be possible?

(28 Jul '15, 17:29) skahlam

Each monitor will be listed with it's information. Here is a smaple:

<monitor id="13" status="OK" depends_on="" title="Check Free Disk Space" lastrun="16-10-2010 5:54:10" nextrun="16-10-2010 11:54:10" errtext="" erroractionids="1,3,8" fixedactionids=""/>

(28 Jul '15, 17:39) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 28 Jul '15, 11:38

Seen: 3,686 times

Last updated: 28 Jul '15, 17:39