Our monitoring server had run out of space. I realized it when a handful of servers were reporting the following message:

16 Sep 2015 08:25:36 AM Computer: [server name] Monitor: [Watch \server nameC$WINDOWS + subdirs] Description: Unable to open/initialize TABLE DirBlobs which is used for file and directory monitoring. No changes can be detected this run. A new file will be created and a new directory snapshot taken.

I have resolved the issue with space, and have rebooted, but still receiving the same alert

asked 16 Sep '15, 09:10

Garrett59's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Garrett59

Please zip and send us the C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorLogsPA Server Monitor_Service_Log.txt

I'll take a look and see what kind of database error is happening. Please send the log file to support@poweradmin.com


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answered 16 Sep '15, 12:25

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 16 Sep '15, 09:10

Seen: 3,754 times

Last updated: 16 Sep '15, 12:25

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