
I'm trying to get the new IPMI monitor to monitor out Dell servers from PA Server monitor

I've tried this steps : - open UDP port 623 in the firewall - made sure udp traffic was permitted to te PA monitor server (Satellite) - enabled IPMI to LAN in the iDrac config - Created an admin user on the iDrac controller, permitted to use IPMI over LAN - Added the ip-adres for the iDrac card (dedicated NIC) in PA server monitor - Configured this node for server type "use IPMI"

I now get asked for username/pw, but whe i use the credentials i created on the iDrac, i get this message :

Failed to access [Servername] via IPMI protocols. Error: Cannot connect to IPMI Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) over IPMI LAN (err -3)

Do i forget anything ?

Kind regards, Tom

asked 12 May '16, 05:17

TomRLZ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 May '16, 05:19

Hi Tom --

We use the ipmiutil to gather IPMI information. To test it directly, you can run this command line:

"C:\program files (x86)\pa server monitor\ipmiutil.exe" sensor -N {host-ip-address} -U {username} -P {password} -c -t -w

Note that the command line parameters are case sensitive.

My guess is this is firewall related. You can copy ipmiutil.exe along with libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to a folder on a different computer (nearer to the DRAC so there are no firewalls in between) and try it there.


answered 12 May '16, 16:17

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 12 May '16, 16:18

Hi Doug,

Thanks for your answer, but i do not think this is a FW is, as i can succesfully use IPMI communication with the dell tools from the same machine (ipmish.exe)

after some trial en error, i found that the ipmiutil command line works if i add "-F lan2"

is there a way to add this parameter to the call made from PA server monitor ?

Kind regards, Tom Regeer Reeleezee

(12 May '16, 19:46) TomRLZ

Thank you for that feedback. You shouldn't need to specify the driver. Our next update ( or newer) will figure out which one to use and then store that for future use.

(13 May '16, 09:06) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 12 May '16, 05:17

Seen: 17,568 times

Last updated: 13 May '16, 09:06