I have setup 5 servers to monitor using the trail version. Everything seem to be going OK. I have low disk space; ping; event log; and system performance configured.

The problem that I have is setting it up to generate a report and to have it emailed and archived.

I am having issues configuring email notification also I am getting this error message:

Monitor services on [ ] » Can not monitor services on OS reports: The remote procedure call failed. Troubleshooting Hint: The LocalSystem account is currently being used, which cannot access services over the network. If the target services are on a remote server, run the PA Server Monitor service as a different user, or right-click the computer and choose Type & Credentials -> Set Login Credentials. [Err=0x6BE, CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]

Need assistance please!!!!

asked 17 Jul '12, 19:46

James%20L's gravatar image

James L
accept rate: 0%

The monitor services error is caused by the fact that the PA Server Monitor is running as Local System. Change it (via services.msc for example) to run as some other account (a domain account that can access your server would work great).

If you still have trouble, let us know and we'll dig further.


answered 17 Jul '12, 21:25

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 14 Aug '12, 16:40

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Asked: 17 Jul '12, 19:46

Seen: 6,072 times

Last updated: 14 Aug '12, 16:40