hi all,

we need to know if pa Server Monitor is able to use ipv6.

thanks for help

Ronald Gietz

asked 17 Jun '16, 07:06

RonnyGi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Ronald

All of the Windows monitoring (Event Log, services, performance counters) just use Windows APIs, which means Windows support for IPv6 is used. However, our embedded HTTP/S server is uses IPv4.

We have added code to resolve IPv6 addresses that could then be sent to other internal APIs, so monitoring IPv6 hosts is probably mostly there (although it hasn't been well tested -- we don't know for example if some of our 3rd party components work with IPv6).


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answered 17 Jun '16, 09:27

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Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 17 Jun '16, 07:06

Seen: 3,300 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:18

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