Hi all,

We are using Server Monitor for a long time now. Before it was auto circling between the tabs but it doenst work anymore and I can't find the option to turn it on again? Is it removed out of the program or do I miss something when I am looking for it.

asked 27 Jan '17, 04:30

i_kocak's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi i_kocak,

The setting you are looking for is in Group Report Settings and Delivery menu. Right click on the Servers/Devices node (or any group node if you want to change the settings at different group levels) and select Report Settings -> Group Settings. In this menu you will find the check box that will turn this feature on or off, and the time settings for rotating the reports. Hope this helps!


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answered 27 Jan '17, 09:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for the answer. Just found it :-)


answered 27 Jan '17, 10:33

i_kocak's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 27 Jan '17, 04:30

Seen: 3,435 times

Last updated: 27 Jan '17, 10:33

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