Hi PA, we have PA Server Monitor Ultra and I would like to add a bandwidth monitor to a device which I had manually added with no monitors. When I right click the device and select "Add new monitor" the bandwidth monitor is not in the list. The type of the devices is set to use SNMP. It is a Cisco switch. I have manually added ping and SNMP monitors to it and they are working fine. How do I get the bandwidth monitor added to the device?

asked 29 May '17, 08:15

MadPAM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi MadPAM,

The Bandwidth monitor was added in version 6 but only available when using Smart Configuration. Right click on the device and select Configuration -> Smart (Auto) Configuration. In the menus you will be able to select the monitors that you want to add, select the bandwidth monitor. This monitor is either an SNMP or Performance counter monitor depending on the device.

If you upgrade to version 7 there is a new Bandwidth Monitor which is a whole better.


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answered 30 May '17, 11:10

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

thanks for your answer. But the bandwidth monitor is not part of the list of available monitors.

I deleted the device and added it again. I select SNMP and SSH in the configuration screen and then get the following monitors I can choose from: disk space event log file & directory inventory alerter inventory collector performance ping service snmo

Any ideas?


answered 31 May '17, 07:37

MadPAM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi MadPAM,

The bandwidth monitor that you were using in version 6 was an SNMP monitor that had many bugs, it has been replaced with what is now in version 7. I don't know how we're going to get the old monitor to reappear so that you can use it. My suggestion is renew your support and then upgrade to version 7. (View Version 7 Notes)

If you would like to try the new Bandwidth Monitor you can add a registry setting to make it appear. Please upgrade to version 6.5 and then make the registry change. You will need to add a new DWORD value called "xBandwidthMonitor" (don't include the quotes) and then set the value to 1. You will then need to restart the service and the console.

The key location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PowerAdminServerMonitor



answered 31 May '17, 11:20

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 May '17, 08:15

Seen: 3,794 times

Last updated: 31 May '17, 11:20