We already use PA Storage Monitor for 10 days and we still cant find a predicted full date for e.g. in the executive summary. Eventhough we add new files on the servers. I checked your documentations, but our settings seem to be okay. Please help!

asked 21 Feb '18, 02:00

Rschmid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Rschmid,

My guess is the changes in size aren't enough to make a statistical prediction yet. To visualize it, run a Free Disk Space report (the Used Space report would be a good selection) at set the display type to Line chart. On the Filters & Parameters tab, set "Show trend lines" to true. That will display the statistical growth curve and you can perhaps see when/if it ever reaches the full point.


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answered 21 Feb '18, 15:51

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thank you for your advice. After your Manual I was able to create a graph for my shares. But If I execute a disk space summary report I still get no expected full date -in the certain column.

Thank you and best regards! Raissa

(22 Feb '18, 08:58) Rschmid

Hi Rschmid,

That is because of the calculation of the expected full date that is happening within the service. If the data collected for a disk shows that that the disk is not going to be full or it's going to take a very long time, then no date is recorded for expected full date.


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(22 Feb '18, 10:00) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 21 Feb '18, 02:00

Seen: 3,595 times

Last updated: 22 Feb '18, 10:00