Hi, We have PA Mon monitoring our dev environment. We get it to send disk space issues to Jira, which works most of the time, but occasionally, we get the following error:

Failed to get the free space from \SERVERNAMEX$. The OS reports: The device is not ready. [Err=0x00000015 (21)

It's not a constant issue with specific servers as we do get calls coming through properly from the same servers, which later fail and then work again later on.

asked 03 May '19, 10:24

nes31234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi nes31234,

The error code is the reason why the PASM service is not able to get the disk data. There are a few error codes that occur just like your explanation where the OS reports the error and then shortly after everything is okay.

We have a registry value that you can edit that will allow you to add this error code and then if the service receives the error code it will rerun the monitor for the next few minutes trying to get the data. You will need to open RegEdit and go to the following key and add the error code to the string of values that are currently there. Each code is separated with a comma so you would need to add ",21" not including the quotes marks. The registry value is called RPC_RETRY_TARGETS and is located in the key below.



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answered 03 May '19, 11:53

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 28 May '19, 14:32

Hi I'm the original posters colleague. We have set this in the registry and restarted but still get the issue.

So if a server is rebooted for example we will get a ping request notification which I would be expecting but we also get the disk space notification with the error.


answered 28 May '19, 14:00

parisv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi parisv,

The next time this occurs would you please send us the following items?

  • Copy of the Error Message
  • Zip up and send us the log files
  • Screenshot of the registry key RPC_RETRY_TARGETS so we can see what has been entered.

Please send all of the above to support@poweradmin.com


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answered 28 May '19, 14:35

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 03 May '19, 10:24

Seen: 2,518 times

Last updated: 28 May '19, 14:35