I am trying to monitor a specific user who may be deleting files from a mapped drive on a server. I get a warning if that file is deleted from the actual folder on the server that is shared. I get no warnings if a file is deleted from that same folder using a mapped drive from a PC. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

asked 26 Jul '18, 09:30

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 26 Jul '18, 09:32

Seems to be working now, I had unchecked system and network as the app source thinking I only needed explorer. Now working perfectly. Thanks PA for some really cool products.


answered 26 Jul '18, 09:38

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 26 Jul '18, 11:37

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Asked: 26 Jul '18, 09:30

Seen: 2,722 times

Last updated: 26 Jul '18, 11:37