I only have 1 server with multiple shares. I have setup a monitor on each share. When i run an adhoc report i want to see the information only for that particular monitor, not the whole server. Is this possible because every time i run it it i get all monitored shares data showing in the report rather than just the one monitor.

Hope that makes sense.


asked 22 Feb '16, 18:12

FHELG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There are two reports that that you can run that will allow you to specify the location of the data that you want display in a report, Custom Data Set and File Changes. Both of these will allow you to enter a "File Name" which you can enter all of part of the name. For example you could use the location "C:TEMP". This will give you any files and directories with that string in the name, like C:TEMPTest_FilesMyTestLogFile.log.


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answered 23 Feb '16, 08:43

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 22 Feb '16, 18:12

Seen: 4,276 times

Last updated: 23 Feb '16, 08:43