Following the instructions in the manual, I converted some open source icons to be 40x40px attempting to use them as group icons. The groups icons are displayed as 20x20px in the tree navigation which makes them look very bad. Is there a way to specify a 20x20 and a 40x40 image for the same custom icon? Are we able to use multi-layer ICO files? This is being done on v8.1.0.11.

asked 23 Nov '20, 12:31

jonathan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jonathan,

I tried your images and yes they don't look so good. I think it has something to do with the background of the image. 

I ran a test by taking one of your images and giving it a white background. The issue is happening when the service tries to show the smaller image and the translation shews the image. You may want to change the background color to white so that the image looks good.


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answered 24 Nov '20, 10:20

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Jonathan,

The group icon is shown in two different locations, one is the tree navigation and the other is the group image shown at the top of the Group Summery report. The report uses the 40 x 40 icon. The tree however needs to make it small version so it does a resize when it is displayed in the tree. When you resize an image you need to be using a good quality image.

If you would like I can try your image on my test machine to see if it works for me. Please send your image to


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answered 23 Nov '20, 17:16

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 23 Nov '20, 12:31

Seen: 4,776 times

Last updated: 24 Nov '20, 10:20