I was running an Adhoc report in Power Admin and this generated an error:

Monitor: [System Alert] Description: System Error Detected: Database errors. See service log. Ver 4.1.2 (Build 56)

What should I Do?

asked 25 Jul '12, 15:52

Tori_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 57%

edited 26 Jul '12, 22:45

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

Look in your Logs folder (usually C:Program FilesPA Server MonitorLogs for PA Server Monitor, and a similar location for our other applications).

In there you'll see PA Server Monitor_Service_Log.txt. If you search that file for "database" you'll probably see the error. Searching from the bottom up usually cuts down on what needs to be checked.

Often this turns out to be an issue connecting or logging into the database, or perhaps the database is full.


answered 25 Jul '12, 19:58

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 25 Jul '12, 15:52

Seen: 7,374 times

Last updated: 26 Jul '12, 22:45