psexec.exe /accepteula \\computer -i -u Username -p Password -c -f MyFile.bat

This does not work with PaExec for two reasons, here is what it needs to become:

paexec.exe \\computer -i -u Username -p Password -c -f .\MyFile.bat

Not a big deal, just thought I would let you know about a behavior difference.

asked 11 Jan '13, 10:55

Galaga's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you tell me where the /accepteula command is documented so PAExec can handle it the same way?


answered 15 Jan '13, 12:26

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 22%

The more important part is the necessity for ./ before the file to run.

(21 Jan '13, 15:50) Galaga

It is not officially documented. Obviously you could ignore it since it is not an official parameter. It is not a big problem.


answered 17 Jan '13, 14:05

Galaga's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

PAExec (as of v1.18) will silently ignore the -accepteula flag.


answered 22 Jan '13, 17:35

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 22%

It does not work. It is supposed to ignore slash (/) "accepteula", not dash (-). But both are not ignored.

Here is what I get (with the eula parameter it works fine):

>paexec1.18.exe /accepteula \\computer ipconfig

PAExec v1.18 - Execute Programs Remotely
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Power Admin LLC

Failed to open current user token An attempt was made to reference a token that
does not exist. [Err=0x3F0, 1008]
Error duplicating a user token (.\Process.cpp, 157) The handle is invalid. [Err=
0x6, 6]

PAExec returning exit code -3

>paexec1.18.exe -accepteula \\computer ipconfig

PAExec v1.18 - Execute Programs Remotely
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Power Admin LLC

Failed to open current user token An attempt was made to reference a token that
does not exist. [Err=0x3F0, 1008]
Error duplicating a user token (.\Process.cpp, 157) The handle is invalid. [Err=
0x6, 6]

PAExec returning exit code -3

answered 23 Jan '13, 10:25

Galaga's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Oh, sorry, didn't realize the /accepteula was at the front before the computer list (should have scrutinized your example better). v1.19 has just this tiny change.


answered 23 Jan '13, 10:57

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 22%

is there anyway to have it handle /accepteula the same as PSExec? when running PaExec for the first time through ASP.NET, I get an Application Popup error because it's popping up the EULA when the script is supposed to run in the background. in PsExec, /accepteula allows you to silently accept the EULA.


answered 23 Jan '13, 15:16

jj8telk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Jan '13, 15:17

PAExec doesn't ever pop up a EULA (if you see one, please take a screenshot). And in 1.19 we fixed it to ignore the /accepteula option so you can use the same command line with PAExec.


answered 23 Jan '13, 15:50

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 22%

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Asked: 11 Jan '13, 10:55

Seen: 20,513 times

Last updated: 23 Jan '13, 15:50