After upgrading to v5.0.3.135 something changed in the autoscaling of the graphs. This causes the graphs to be empty on some devices

For example, i have a router having a normal bandwidth of about 100 - 200 Kbit, but the graph is showing a maximum value of 10 Mbit, causing the current value to be to small to notice. Can i do anything to improve this scaling ?

Regards, Tom

asked 28 Jan '13, 05:43

TomRLZ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Tom --

In 5.0.2 and earlier, the bandwidth graphs used a dynamic scale, which made it very hard to compare them, or in some cases notice big changes in the graph. Now it uses a fixed scale, which you can configure.

In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\PowerAdminServerMonitor (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\PowerAdminServerMonitor) set


to K, M or G


answered 28 Jan '13, 14:07

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


As we monitor a lot of different devices 1 global setting will not work for us. Is there an option to to go back to autoscaling in 5.03 or to configure this per device ?

Regards, Tom


answered 28 Jan '13, 16:11

TomRLZ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Tom --

We've updated the latest Preview build so you can set that registry value to A (for auto-scale) and it should work like it did before.

As a side note, we're currently working on making all of the charts much more flexible and configurable. Stay tuned! :)


answered 30 Jan '13, 13:38

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 28 Jan '13, 05:43

Seen: 8,270 times

Last updated: 30 Jan '13, 13:38