Hi there, I'm getting regular database errors from PA Server Monitor. In the log they look like the following:

03-22-2013, 13:06:06.060, TID:01332, PID:05344, BROADCAST: System Error Detected: Database error

CAN'T CONNECT: Failed to open database file d:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorDatabasesSyslogMonitor.db. SQLite reported 5 (database is locked ExtErr=5)

Ver 5.0.3 (Build 135)

03-22-2013, 13:06:06.060, TID:01332, PID:05344, EVENTLOG: System Error Detected: Database error

CAN'T CONNECT: Failed to open database file d:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorDatabasesSyslogMonitor.db. SQLite reported 5 (database is locked ExtErr=5)

Ver 5.0.3 (Build 135)

Any ideas what might be causing the errors and what I can do to fix them? Thanks, Matt.

asked 22 Mar '13, 10:33

Matt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Matt,

Is the drive where PA Server Monitor is trying to connect to some where else on the network?

Thanks Quinn


answered 22 Mar '13, 11:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Nope, it's all on the same machine Quinn.

(22 Mar '13, 11:10) Matt

Would you please zip up the log files and send them to me? support@poweradmin.com

(22 Mar '13, 12:36) Quinn ♦♦

Hi Quinn, I've just sent an email containing our logs to support@poweradmin.com. Hopefully they'll provide some clues as to what is going on!

(27 Mar '13, 10:36) Matt
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Asked: 22 Mar '13, 10:33

Seen: 5,755 times

Last updated: 27 Mar '13, 10:36