Hi I am using File & Directory Change Monitor to monitor a directory for new files. I want the action to be an email alert that lists the new files in the directory. I have seen that I can use the $Item(x)$ variable. How do I list all items if I don't know the number of items in total? How can I format the email message with this variable so that it lists all items.

Kind regards Karsten Stolten

asked 13 Jun '19, 05:08

KMStolten's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Karsten,

There is another variable that you can use to get all details that your monitor fined. It's called $Details$. So if there is four new files that information will be reported in the $Details$ variable.



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answered 13 Jun '19, 13:15

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn

Thank you for your reply. :o)

I know about that Variable - but I want only the "Items" listed in the email alert - and not all the other info that comes with the $Details$ variable.

Is this possible somehow via som sort of script or maybe this is subject to a feature-request for a variable parameter like "$Items(#)" for "all items"? :o)

Kind regards Karsten


answered 14 Jun '19, 00:48

KMStolten's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You could write your own Execute Script Action where you would get the information from the monitor and then create your alert message. Part of the message would be looping through the "Item(x)" values and adding them to the message. Then you could send the email from this action with the message that you have created.

I'm not sure if this will work of you or not but you could try it.


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answered 14 Jun '19, 12:06

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 13 Jun '19, 05:08

Seen: 2,457 times

Last updated: 14 Jun '19, 12:06