I am having a problem with PA Monitor. Ever since I had to reload the Windows on the machine I am finding that I am not receiving notifications from PA Monitor on a consistant basis. If I go in and restart the "PA Server Monitor" service I start getting notifications....what am I missing here?

asked 31 Jul '12, 11:51

Nerdslogic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Jul '12, 11:58

Please zip and send us your log files (usually in C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\Logs). We'll figure it out and get back with you.

(02 Aug '12, 20:02) Doug ♦♦

Update: As issues like this are pretty rare, if you are experiencing it, please contact us at support@poweradmin.com so we can track down the issue.

Can you reproduce the issue? If so, after you reproduce the issue then look in the Logs directory (usually C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\Logs\ for PA Server Monitor, and a similar location for our other applications) for the PA Server Monitor_Service_Log.txt log file. Open the log file and search for the alert notification(start at the bottom. Look at the entries around the notification to see if there ware any errors. The error messages should give you hints to what the issue is. If you are unable to reproduce issue you can wait until the issue occurs again and try to search the log file then.


answered 01 Aug '12, 09:35

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 29 Jul '16, 16:23

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

I don't know if this is related to Nerdslogic's issue, but I'm having to restart the service to get new monitor's to take effect.

(02 Aug '12, 17:15) Supernaut

Have you looked in the log file to see if there were any errors recorded. Run a test by adding a monitor and then look in the PA Server Monitor_Service_Log.txt log file, start at the bottom.

(02 Aug '12, 17:28) Quinn ♦♦

08-02-2012, 17:36:05.157, TID:02744, PID:02564, ERROR: Failed to load Monitor for index 14 -- [Undefined Monitor (14)]

(02 Aug '12, 17:38) Supernaut

Please zip and send us your log files (usually in C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\Logs). This is not at all normal, so we need to find out what is going on and get you back to reliable monitoring.

(02 Aug '12, 20:00) Doug ♦♦

lol....my logs are full of errors...all of which are pretty much the same "not yet authorized" with a few of these in the mix.

08-06-2012, 05:17:16.660, TID:00944, PID:01344, ERROR: Nothing to dump for RPC for PdhCollectQueryData 08-06-2012, 05:17:16.660, TID:00944, PID:01344, ERROR: PAPDHCollectQueryData failed. OS reports No data to return.


answered 06 Aug '12, 16:33

Nerdslogic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This still doesn't explain the freezes with the service.

(06 Aug '12, 16:34) Nerdslogic

Please zip and send us your logs so we can find the root cause and get back with you. Email them to support@poweradmin{dot}com

(06 Aug '12, 17:08) Doug ♦♦

Sending today.

Thank you.


answered 07 Aug '12, 11:50

Nerdslogic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just an FYI that we haven't received them yet.

(07 Aug '12, 14:34) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 31 Jul '12, 11:51

Seen: 14,137 times

Last updated: 29 Jul '16, 16:23