I would like to replace my current primary Server Monitor service machine with a failover "slave" instance. If I want to make the slave the new primary (so no failing back to the "Master"), would I just need to set the desired slave's "FO_IsSlave" registry key to zero and destroy the former master? Or should I also set the reg key on the former master to one so that there are no conflicts should the machine hit the network again?

asked 08 Nov '16, 13:09

TheSemicolon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Before making the change, I'd recommend you make sure any Satellites are only pointed at the new Master (easy via Bulk Config). Then just set FO_IsSlave to 0 on the current slave as you mention. Just to be double sure I'd restart the monitoring service and Console on the new master after making that registry change to be sure it all comes up as expected.


answered 08 Nov '16, 14:13

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 08 Nov '16, 13:09

Seen: 6,254 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:10