Is there any way to disable all broadcast messages? For example, when you place PA into "Quiet" mode, it sends out a broadcast to all configured e-mail addresses. I do not want that to happen. Thanks!

asked 25 Jun '13, 11:12

dsmithpdx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi dsmithpdx,

You can go to Settings -> System Alerts. In this menu you can turn off system alerts that are being sent out by selecting the message type in the top menu and unchecking the alert type in the bottom section.



answered 25 Jun '13, 11:26

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I must be blind, but I don't see a "Settings" menu anywhere in the Server Monitor Console. I have these menus:

File View Configuration Help Quiet!

Where should I see "Settings"?

(25 Jun '13, 12:22) dsmithpdx

You are logged in using a remote console, to get to the Settings menu you need to open the console on the server where PA Server Monitor is installed. There are few options/setting that you can only do from the main console.

(25 Jun '13, 12:34) Quinn ♦♦

Whoops! I forgot about that. Thanks much!

(25 Jun '13, 12:36) dsmithpdx
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Asked: 25 Jun '13, 11:12

Seen: 4,364 times

Last updated: 25 Jun '13, 12:36

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