Can the format of the date and time string used on the display and in reports be customised (I am looking for dd mmm yyyym HH:mm [24 hour] type of format)

asked 03 Jul '13, 03:00

Peter%20H%20-%20Aus's gravatar image

Peter H - Aus
accept rate: 0%

Yep, had a typo in the format, should read: dd mmm yyyy HH:mm

(03 Jul '13, 03:02) Peter H - Aus

Hi Peter,

There is a 12/24 hour switch that you can set easily in the Setting menu. Go to Setting --> Report Settings, then you will see a Time Format option in the top section.


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answered 03 Jul '13, 08:50

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Looked, but didn't see. Thanks Quin; of course, your answer worked

(03 Jul '13, 09:30) Peter H - Aus
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Asked: 03 Jul '13, 03:00

Seen: 5,087 times

Last updated: 03 Jul '13, 09:30

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