PaExec "-i" problems!
I am currently investigating an issue that I don't fully understand. I have not had the time to look at it in detail, so I am sorry for the brief explaination. I thought I would let you know now in the hope you can reproduce it because I will only be able to come back to it in a couple of weeks.
It forced us to start using PsExec instead of PaExec. It has to do with the -i parameter. It seems the desktop interactions don't work properly.
Here is what we were doing (simplified: we run a custom program but the problem seems to reproduce with notepad):
The call is in a batch file (Init.bat) called with parameters (Init.bat "output.txt"). In the batch file we have:
paexec //other-comp -i -u User -p Password -c -f MyBatch.bat %DEV_PATH% %1
Where MyBatch.bat has something like:
set TEMP=%1
@start "notepad.exe" %2
PsExec opens Notepad on the remote computer desktop with the given file open.
PaExec gets stuck or doesn't open notepad at all.
In our particular case, the program needs the environment variable set right before it, but even with Notepad not needing it, it still reproduces the problem.