
I have configured PA server monitor version 4.07.17, where I have a connection towards several servers using different credentials. I would like to delete some of these saved credentials because I don't use them anymore. Where can I do this? I see them under the tab "change stored passwords" where I can change the password, but not delete the account...

Thx, Jef

asked 23 Aug '12, 05:00

Jefbreugel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jef,

You can delete the credentials for a server by removing it from the registry (note that they are encrypted by Windows using a protected machine-specific key). Open regedit and go the following key. Locate and delete the server.




answered 23 Aug '12, 11:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 01 Sep '12, 15:07

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

Hi Jef don't forget to accept the answer if it works for you, that way others will know. Thanks Quinn

(27 Aug '12, 09:53) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 23 Aug '12, 05:00

Seen: 6,845 times

Last updated: 01 Sep '12, 15:07