
I do have a few questions about the "(re)start service" account..

  1. If my service monitor is configured to only fire alerts after error has been detected for 15 mn, do you confirm a "(re)start service" action will not do anything before this "15 mn" window

  2. Is it possible to send an "e-mail for information" in parallel to the "start service" alert ? Basically something saying that "service XXX on server YYY has been successfully restarted by PA Server Monitor"... I definitely want to leverage "start service" action but at the same time, I want the team to be aware when it happens.



asked 21 Oct '13, 04:18

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


  1. Yes, all actions work the same way. So let's take your case. Your monitor runs every 15 mins and you have it set to not fire actions until the monitor sees that a service is still not running for 15 mins. After the monitor sees that a service is still in error for 15 mins the monitor will fire all actions that you have assigned to it. So that mean that the Email and the Re-Start Service actions will fire at the same time.

  2. The idea is good, I will ask to have it added to the our list of items to do.


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answered 23 Oct '13, 12:23

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Sylvain,

Yes, when you schedule the monitor to run once every 15 minutes the actions will also only run when there is an error every 15 minutes.

Actions are only fired when the monitor runs. The only follow-up email that could be sent out is if you have an Email Action attached to the resolved Actions of the monitor and when it runs the next time it sees that the error has been resolved an email will be sent out.


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answered 21 Oct '13, 12:13

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hello Quinn,

Thanks for your feedbback. Hower it does not exactly answer my questions ?

  1. I was talking about a grace period of "15 mn". In my case, services are checked every 15 mn but the e-mail alert is triggered only if the problem is confirmed still to be there after at least 15 mn... So I wanted to know the action "start service" works in the same way ?

  2. You describe the current behavior... Basically I was asking to consider it as a potential change request :) Else my team could not necessary make the difference between a service that finally started by itself, and a service that has been restarted by PA Server Monitor.



answered 23 Oct '13, 11:33

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 21 Oct '13, 04:18

Seen: 8,847 times

Last updated: 23 Oct '13, 12:23