When I started PA Server Monitor this morning- it said the service wasn't running would you like to start it now. I did but it wouldn't connect. I attempted to Stop and Start the Service in the Services Console but Recieved Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely manner. Eventually I did restart the service, several servers showed that authentication to view Event Viewer activities failed. Decided to reboot the Server and things are back to normal.

Event Log: Forcing crash of monitoring servers. Reason : Scheduler Thread Stalled. Crashing and restarting to begin monitoring again. (Did not start again) Error: Attempting dump type 240 received Error: Got empty value in AuthenticateUser- login fails

Any thoughts as to why this might happen?


asked 21 Oct '13, 08:33

techgal64's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

Hi techgal64,

Please zip up your log files and send them to support@poweradmin.com. We'll take a look to see if we can find out what caused the error.


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answered 21 Oct '13, 12:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn

Most of the logs have overwritten or stopped writing before the crash. However, I have sent what I have to support. The crash happened again last night. Didn't realize this until I attempted to connect to PA Server monitor this morning.



answered 23 Oct '13, 11:01

techgal64's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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Asked: 21 Oct '13, 08:33

Seen: 6,099 times

Last updated: 23 Oct '13, 11:01