Dear Support,

I want to use the app for remote monitoring of the Server. The demo specifications that I can use from your site don't work. And I need to know before I buy the product. I you can receive souns alerts when on your Iphone or Androis.

Kind regards, Tjeerd

asked 27 Aug '12, 07:43

TTEESS123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, you can configure the notifications the same way you would with any other iPhone application. Here is more information on our site.

The application plays the default sound on your phone, though that sound can be changed on the phone in Sounds. I think it's the Text Tone sound.


answered 27 Aug '12, 09:46

Tori_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 57%

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Asked: 27 Aug '12, 07:43

Seen: 6,014 times

Last updated: 27 Aug '12, 09:46