At a new company now and Installed newest PA v5.6.0.163 and my team here have iPhone 6's as do I but PA Monitor Console doesn't add them in automatically? Downloading the app and logging in to the portal works fine, but creating the action notifications to the mobile don't because the console never created the mobile entry. Tried restarting services etc. Iphone 5 I think added but we removed it from the console, started fresh with new logins and now that iphone 5 and 6's won't auto-create in the console..?

asked 05 Jan '15, 20:07

PeteAPN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jan '15, 16:50

Support got back to me and I tried a few things. Got both the iPhone 6 an 5 working.

Unsure why but don't think the iPhone 6 wanted to auto add to the console logging into the app with utilising the UserList.txt (Remote Access Control). Logging into the app via AD Auth credentials, after removing/reinstalling the app, the device added into the console :)

Cheers - Happy monitoring :)


answered 07 Jan '15, 18:41

PeteAPN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 05 Jan '15, 20:07

Seen: 4,988 times

Last updated: 07 Jan '15, 18:41