Is it possible to customize the smart config process so that when I add a new server my customized monitors are already added? As it stands I'm adding the server without monitors and then copying the config from an existing server.


asked 10 Dec '13, 16:11

coultrain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Rob,

At this time the default monitors are all that you can add while using the Smart Config. We do have the on our To Do List a project that will help with that but there is no start date for that project. The process that you are using is the best option at this time, using Bulk Config to copy the monitors to new servers.


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answered 10 Dec '13, 16:30

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 10 Dec '13, 16:11

Seen: 4,807 times

Last updated: 10 Dec '13, 16:30