Hi, after a restoring a server image, due to hardware error, de PA Server monitor inform this error.

The system appears to work OK except this message that appears every 5 minutes.

Can you help us with this ?

System Error Detected: Database error #### sqlite_step failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MonitorParams (ID, Data) VALUES (995, '<?xml version="1.0"?><checksum value="1939677581"> <obj-monitor2 ver="3"><m_monitorid t="DWORD">995</m_monitorid><m_internalparam1 t="string">Experiencia con aplicaciones AeLookupSvc Servicio de puerta de enlace de nivel de aplicación ALG Servicio auxiliar de host para aplicaciones AppHostSvc Identidad de aplicación AppIDSvc Información de la aplicación Appinfo Administración de aplicaciones AppMgmt Preparación de apl[Trimmed]]. Involves: C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorConfigConfiguration.db ### Database file C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorConfigConfiguration.db is corrupt. ### To prevent this in the future, make sure file-scanning apps (like anti-virus and backup) do NOT scan the following folders: C:DataPATOOLS C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorConfig

asked 12 Apr '19, 16:08

NAD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Nad,

That error is supposed to be impossible according to the database vendor :( Did the server crash? That's the only time I've seen this.

To help protect those database files in the future make sure and follow the steps shown at the end of the error message that you posted.

The database that is corrupt is the database the holds the monitoring configuration. The good news is this gets backed up daily.

You can stop the monitoring service and restart it just to be sure the configuration database really is corrupt (perhaps it's a temporary error?).

If the error persists after restarting the service, the best option is to restore the configuration from a recent backup.

You can restore from backup by getting on the Console on the server itself, and going to [menu] Configuration -> Import Complete Configuration.

The backups are located at:

C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorConfigurationBackup

I would choose a recent file that is also roughly the same size as the other files (if the most recent file is much smaller, it might be a backup of the corrupted/incomplete configuration).


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answered 15 Apr '19, 09:41

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn Tks for the answer, it works OK. Yes the server crashed :(

Rgds Livio


answered 03 May '19, 10:48

NAD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 12 Apr '19, 16:08

Seen: 2,266 times

Last updated: 03 May '19, 10:48