When using Powershell for Action script in File Sight, it seem that it is not defending the $act.item object. It always seem to be null when some files are changing or read on the system. I know I have the monitoring part setup right as if I use VBscript, it will have data in the item object. In my test I have it firing both a VBScript script and Powershell script and only the VBSscript items are working. Note that i do get just about all the other data in $act but for $act.item.

What am I missing here?

asked 14 Dec '13, 19:49

MarkHubers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Mark,

There was some bugs found and fixed in the latest version. Please download and try the newest version. PA File Sight Release Candidate


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answered 16 Dec '13, 11:56

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

That new fix worked! Thanks much and now Powershell script is useful. I do like to say your PowerShell examples have a bug as well as you are using $act.CurrentValue[$i] and $act.item[$i] wrong. In your exmaple you are using them as $act.CurrentValue($i) and $act.item($i). They need to be using [] and not ().

Plus I would have in your doc that you can find PowerShell errors in C:Program Files (x86)PA File SightLogsPA File Sight_Helper_Log.txt to help others understand where to look for when something have gone wrong in writing the scripts.

Thanks much for fixing this so fast for me.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 16 Dec '13, 13:57

MarkHubers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 14 Dec '13, 19:49

Seen: 18,744 times

Last updated: 16 Dec '13, 13:57