I have setup a simple page to be monitored: https://livetest.stems.com.au/live/sitemonitor.ashx

which contains the text: "Database-connection-successful" When the site is online and the database connection from the website to the db server succeeds.

When I set this up as a Web Page Monitor in PA Server Monitor, the Test From Console and Test From Service both behave as expected (confirmed by the popup dialogue). They succeed when the site is live and fail when it's down. However the ongoing monitoring is always returning "Last Status: OK" in the report and also not firing any actions (when I stop the monitored site in IIS). I have even tried adding a condition to make the test fail if the page takes longer than 3000ms. The report says the response time is 90,000ms, but does not fail. I have no other monitoring configured, only webpage monitoring.

asked 28 Jan '14, 21:36

RichardP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jan '14, 21:37


Thank you for finding this bug. We now have a fix for it in the preview version which you can download from the following URL.


Best Regards,


answered 04 Feb '14, 16:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Richard,

Would you please zip up and send us your log files? Please send them to support@poweradmin.com with a reference to this forum post.


Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer.


answered 29 Jan '14, 12:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I have the same issue. I cannot get a web page monitor to fail. Even with an incorrect URL.


answered 30 Jan '14, 23:03

rdsn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've sent the logs to support as instructed above. In addition I have tried testing for failure text which I know always exists on another page. The test fails as expected when setting it up (and clicking test from console or service), but the ongoing monitoring always says "status: ok".


answered 30 Jan '14, 23:27

RichardP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes same here. There is nothing I can do which will enable the status to fail.


answered 30 Jan '14, 23:33

rdsn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 28 Jan '14, 21:36

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Last updated: 04 Feb '14, 16:04