I am trying to Connecting to Servers NOT in a Domain and following:

Troubleshooting: If the above doesn't work and you get an error indicating the credentials don't grant access to the remote machine, that very often implies some sort of firewall (a network firewall and/or a firewall running on the remote machine) is blocking access. In that case, try to remove as many variables as possible and see if a connection can be made. We recommend using the Windows Event Log Viewer. Start it, and using it, try to connect to the remote machine and view its Event Log. If you can not connect (perhaps with RPC errors) that very often indicates a firewall is blocking Windows RPC calls. More info on Windows RPC ports Also make sure the Remote Registry service is started on the target server.

If you can connect with the Event Log Viewer, but you are still told the credentials aren't working, you can force the monitoring product to create a connection to the server via the \serverIPC$ share. To do this, go to:

PA Server Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePowerAdminServerMonitor PA Storage Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePAStorageMonitor and set/create the DWORD value ImpForNetConnect = 1


above regedit doesn't take effect... please help me add remote servers to PA server monitor ultra.

asked 07 Nov '13, 18:30

supportseekerforultramon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi supportseekerforultramon,

Did you try connecting to the server using this? If so, what happened?

"We recommend using the Windows Event Log Viewer. Start it, and using it, try to connect to the remote machine and view its Event Log. If you can not connect (perhaps with RPC errors) that very often indicates a firewall is blocking Windows RPC calls.

Are there any firewall running on either servers?

When you made the change to the registry did you re-start the service?


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answered 08 Nov '13, 12:13

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 07 Nov '13, 18:30

Seen: 9,870 times

Last updated: 08 Nov '13, 12:13