
I am currently trying to setup the visual status map but cant seem to get to do what I need. I have a map of the UK that I would like to use but no matter what resolution I make it PA wont show much more than the bottom half of the picture.

Can anyone shed any light on this?



asked 02 Jul '14, 11:50

Dan_cis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Dan,

Do you have the "Let the Brower stretch the graphic to fill the windows in report views" selected (checked) and have you zoom all the way out on the Zoom slider?

More about the Status Map Editor Dialog

Thanks Quinn

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(03 Jul '14, 08:40) Quinn ♦♦


Well I did find an issue and part of it is the image and some it is the console (editing tool).

Image: The editor has a issue when the image is a long thin image. Too fix this I made the image more square.

Visual Status Map Editor: 1. Select the new image in your Visual Status Map editor.
2. Make sure to have the "Let the browser stretch the graphic..." check box checked. 3. Re-size the window to roughly the size of the image. One way to tell if you do is that you click on and hold on the image then slide it up/down and side to side, when you have very little play the window is about right. 4. Make sure that the Zoom bar is slide all the way to the left. Then recheck the size of the window if needed. 5. Add all of the Icons or status lights that you want to add to the map. Move them to the locations where you want them. 6. Click OK to save changes.

I've attached the image I used to your email and sent it to you if you want to using it. Your image also has a transparent background so the editor replaces that with a color (black).

I have also attached a screenshot showing my results. alt text


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answered 03 Jul '14, 10:43

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Dan,

Do you have the "Let the Brower stretch the graphic to fill the windows in report views" selected (checked) and have you zoom all the way out on the Zoom slider?

More about the Status Map Editor Dialog


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answered 02 Jul '14, 13:18

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

I have tried all that but for some reason when I try different images or change the resolution it seems to automatically zoom in to a certain level. I dont want it to I simply want it to show the map of the UK without any zoom.

Regards Dan


answered 03 Jul '14, 04:01

Dan_cis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please send me the image and let me if I can get it to work.


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answered 03 Jul '14, 08:41

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 02 Jul '14, 11:50

Seen: 5,314 times

Last updated: 03 Jul '14, 10:43