Our audits would like to get evidence showing that the PA server monitor was monitoring the target server for a specific period of time. Is there anyway to generate a report which can show that the Monitor was active and running for a specific period of time? ideally, we'd like to be able to show the status history for a whole year because that is what our auditors look at.

The system details "Uptime" field kind of give this information, but if the server was rebooted recently, then it's of no use.

asked 01 Nov '13, 10:18

rahul77d's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Would you mind contacting us by email we would like to talk with you offline about your request? We can post the results later.



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answered 01 Nov '13, 14:53

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi --

That sounds like a good report, unfortunately the functionality is not built into the products to give you that information.

If you think about it there are a lot of variables that would go into such a report to make it useful for any auditor. Just simply having when a monitor started watching a server and to the current date/time wouldn't give them a good clear picture. Things like maintenance periods, changes to monitors, service continually running, alerts fired, scheduling of the monitor and the alerts would all influence the status of the monitoring.

We'll keep this idea on our list of things that could be added, thank you for the idea!


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answered 01 Nov '13, 11:40

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for the response. I agree, that the report would be very basic but we implemented Power Admin File Sight to mitigate an audit issue. Now, the auditors are asking "how can we tell that PA file sight was actually running for the entire audit period? how do we know that it didn't go offline sometime in the middle? and was brought back online before we (the auditors) came?" They want to be able to confirm completeness, i.e., that our servers were being monitored for the entire testing period and the issue we have is that no activity was generated on the server for that period, so there are no logs. so we don't have any direct way to show them that apart from trusting us. unfortunately, trust isn't in their dictionary so we need to figure out another solution.


answered 01 Nov '13, 12:47

rahul77d's gravatar image

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Hi, thanks for the offer. We're going to meet with your auditors again to discuss this issue to see if they are flexible on it. If they are fine with it, then we won't need to pursue any further, but if they don't budge, then i will reach out to poweradmin support for further follow up.


answered 04 Nov '13, 18:08

rahul77d's gravatar image

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Asked: 01 Nov '13, 10:18

Seen: 31,311 times

Last updated: 04 Nov '13, 18:08