I have been trying to install the satellite software on a Windows XP Pro 3 and as it gets to the end of the install I receive the Error box which refers to:

C:Program FilesPA Server MonitorServerScript.dll Unable to register the DLL/OCX: Regsvr32 failed with exit code 0x3

I can select Abort, Cancel or Ignore. Abort of course will roll back and uninstall, an ignore will appear as if it is completed successfully - but it is not.

Any ideas?

Firewall is turned off. This is not on a domain - as are all these specific units, and I had administrative rights when installing. I installed locally right at the console. This is the only unit having this issue.

Thanks for any help solving.

asked 03 Jul '14, 13:43

Terri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have since been able to monitor this unit without the need for a satellite, so chalk it to a Windows issue on the above. It is being monitored just fine now. However, just curious if anyone should come across this, let me know. Oddly, this PC had remote registry disabled.. the only PC's to do so. There was something else with WMI, but I took care of that too and the need to have the satellite software installed was no longer an issue.

(03 Jul '14, 20:16) Terri

Hi Terri

I'm not sure why that would happen. But the silver lining is you can still use the install if the ServerScript.dll is the only one complained about and if you don't use the Execute Script monitor or action.

If you ever decide to try this again, please contact our support email address so we can look into it further with you.


answered 16 Jul '14, 10:26

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

Terri, I am receiving this error as well. Did you find the resolution to this?


answered 23 Jul '14, 09:31

John%20L's gravatar image

John L
accept rate: 0%

No, not yet. However, I will continue to look into it. I used another route, but I will see if I can detect what caused the grief. I will post.


answered 27 Aug '14, 12:26

Terri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For anyone having this problem, I recommend getting the Dependency Walker utility (Google for link).

With it, you can load the ServerScript.dll and see if there are any missing DLLs, or more likely, a dependent DLL is there, but is old and missing some function.


answered 27 Aug '14, 12:31

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 03 Jul '14, 13:43

Seen: 34,490 times

Last updated: 27 Aug '14, 12:31