
First off, I have no idea how this ended up on my computer.

I am running a desktop with XP SP3. I am having some issues so I wanted to remove all unused software. Here is the issue I am having...

  1. In my add/remove there are NO Entries for this software
  2. In my Services.msc there is an entry PAExec Description is BLANK, Status is BLANK, Startup is Disabled, Log on as Local System

I can't figure out how to uninstall this. I could delete the file paexec.exe from the windows directory but this would still leave this registered in windows.

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance Mike

asked 03 Aug '14, 12:05

OhioMike's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the question. If your XP machine is being monitored by PA Server Monitor from another server, then PASM maybe using PAExec to gather inventory information from the XP machine.

The Inventory Collector monitor in PASM is trying to gather the inventory information over the network and if that doesn't work it will use PAExec to run a script on the remote server to gather that information. If you don't want to use PAExec on the remote machine then you will need to disable the function. To do that you need to open the PASM console, find the XP machine and it's Inventory Collector monitor. Then un-check the "Collect System Details and Inventory data with the System Details program" check box.


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answered 04 Aug '14, 10:14

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 03 Aug '14, 12:05

Seen: 6,579 times

Last updated: 04 Aug '14, 10:14