
We are currently getting continuous failures from the probe methods on our windows and ESX servers. The current work around is each morning to turn one type of probe off and turn another on and it works a couple of times before the get the below message or some variation of it.

Probe methods: WMI, System Details program Failed to retrieve system details via WMI: Timed out waiting for PAHelper to handle WMI request. Service log file has more details Failed to retrieve system details via the System Details probe: PowerShell might be missing [from service] / PowerShell might be missing [from target]

It almost seems like it starts the hang after a couple of hours. This occurs on three different sites we monitor.



asked 11 Aug '14, 05:06

Dan_cis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Dan,

Did you look at the your service log file to get further information?


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answered 11 Aug '14, 09:18

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 11 Aug '14, 05:06

Seen: 19,892 times

Last updated: 11 Aug '14, 09:18