Ever since updating to the 5.5.0 147 Release earlier this week, I frequently have problems connecting to the server from a remote console and even the local console can't connect. Also the satellite monitors go offline a lot and report offline and then 3 minutes later back online. Only solution I've found is to restart the PA Server Monitor service on the master server. Plenty of ram and a dual core server which seems to hover around 40 to 55% cpu use at all times and this is the only function on this server. Any ideas? The prior version ran without any problems.

asked 12 Sep '14, 10:43

agh3's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just following up. The problem seems to have resolved itself after a few days. I haven't seen this problem in few weeks so I guess it was some server interraction that caused the problem.


answered 10 Oct '14, 13:19

agh3's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 12 Sep '14, 10:43

Seen: 5,211 times

Last updated: 10 Oct '14, 13:19