
Is it possible with "bulk config" to ignore a specific windows service without modifying the remaining part of the setting already done for each computer.

Now that I have customized each of my servers, I can no longer use "template" because each computer already have a custom configuration for service monitoring.


asked 17 Jun '13, 03:01

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Sylbae --

Try the Monitor: Set Monitor Parameters bulk config operation. It will merge in service list changes with the existing monitors. And try it on just a test monitor or two to make sure you get the results you want before doing to all of your monitors :)


answered 21 Jun '13, 14:17

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Hello Doug,

I just made a test but it does not work. If I select one server has a template, it removes any customization the other servers have if they are not already the "template" server.

(28 Jun '13, 02:19) sylbae
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Asked: 17 Jun '13, 03:01

Seen: 5,218 times

Last updated: 28 Jun '13, 02:19