We are in a build environement. Is there a way for me to send an alert if for example if: 1. Builds are building on systems for a long time 2. Perfmon counter for paging shows that the system has ran out of memory

And I want to send these emails together as one digest and only if both conditions are satisfied.

asked 26 Sep '12, 21:05

mike123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you can programmatically detect #1, you could use a Calculated Status monitor to check the monitor for #1 and a monitor for #2, and then it would be responsible for sending out an email alert.


answered 27 Sep '12, 15:32

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 26 Sep '12, 21:05

Seen: 5,613 times

Last updated: 27 Sep '12, 15:32