Hi, two nasty problems occure. 1) the group overview shows often old data. Even if a server error was fixed, it needs a long time for the group overview to cleanup the display. I´ve a server which shows an error in group overview, but the fix was applied 7 day´s ago. Even after deleting the counters (disk space). The displayed servers with an error differs sometimes between "group overview" and "all servers" for a longer time.

2) I´ve some servers listed in "group overview" but not complete. CPU, Memory, Performance are missing, even if the data, if you look to server, exits.

Regards MTE

asked 28 Feb '15, 16:02

MTE's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 01 Mar '15, 06:25

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More than a year ago and it happend again :( more than ever. What´s the problem? Marco


answered 16 Oct '16, 15:37

MTE's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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Asked: 28 Feb '15, 16:02

Seen: 15,264 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:13