
  1. What is the purpose of the default counter called (Record uptime) / System Up Time = 1 ? Even when not set, I can see the uptime displayed in system details

  2. Is it possible to get graphical view / history data for any kind of performance counter ? Is it only supported for Processor / Paging File / Memory ?

  3. Not strictly related to performance counter. I noticed that graphic titles are not updates when we modified title after it has been created ?


asked 04 Sep '13, 03:08

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks for the questions.

1. The main purpose for this counter is to record the uptime for that server. There are three parts this counter.
(Record uptime) - is the Alias for the counter
[...System Up Time] - the counter itself
= 1 - is a time value. By default it is set to 1 because service will never see that value and then alert on it. You can change the value if you want so that you can get alerted.

2. You can get charts for on your Server Status Report by doing two thing. First you need to be monitoring the counter with a Performance Counter Monitor. Second you will need to add the counter to your Server Status report by following the instructions are on the Server Status Report.

3. Can you give me an example of the graphic titles that you are speaking about?


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answered 04 Sep '13, 09:18

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hello Quinn,

Thanks for #1 and #2, it definitely answers my question.

About chart title not updated, here is one example. 1. I setup disk space check with default paramaters (without alias) 2. Then chart titles are displayed with something like "Disk Used - C:" 3. Now let's say I add an alias to the C: drive check ("System Drive") 4. I was expecting to see the chart title updated to display "Disk Used - System Drive" but it does not happen.


(05 Sep '13, 09:46) sylbae

Hello Quinn,

Thanks for #1 and #2, it definitely answers my question.

About chart title not updated, here is one example. 1. I setup disk space check with default paramaters (without alias) 2. Then chart titles are displayed with something like "Disk Used - C:" 3. Now let's say I add an alias to the C: drive check ("System Drive") 4. I was expecting to see the chart title updated to display "Disk Used - System Drive" but it does not happen.



answered 05 Sep '13, 09:46

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 04 Sep '13, 03:08

Seen: 5,608 times

Last updated: 05 Sep '13, 09:46