PA Server Monitor Server keeps crashing today. Every hour or so I receive an alert from Power Admin Last Memo: A crash has occurred recently in PA Server Monitor [Service]. The reason: CPU pegged -- crashing for analysis and to not affect server processing. Monitoring service will start again automatically.

When I log onto the Server hosting PA Server Monitor the taskmgr show this service running the CPU at over 50%.

I have rebooted the server but still receiving this email warning.

thanks Julie

asked 03 Mar '15, 15:47

techgal64's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

Hi techgal64

Good news. This is a known problem when an event log entry has a LOT (100? more?) of GUIDs. The good news is this is fixed in the production 5.6 release. And if you want until tomorrow, we'll have a very good 5.7 Preview release to try too.

5.6 is at:

5.7 is at:

I would wait until tomorrow if you want to try 5.7 - there is a known bug that is being fixed right now.


answered 04 Mar '15, 17:58

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 03 Mar '15, 15:47

Seen: 7,075 times

Last updated: 04 Mar '15, 17:58