We have a CA server in our company, and it issued certificate for PA Server monitor. It works when I access PA Server web page, but it is getting expired. I do not know how to change certificate, because who set it up 2 years ago left the company. So the question is: how can I change this certificate to the new certificate? I have got the new .p12 file, and its password. Just I do not know the know-how.

thank you kind regards Ervin Hajos

asked yesterday

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accept rate: 0%

Hi Ervin -

We have an FAQ about that. I recommend following each step - people sometimes skip a step and it ends up not working.

Google for:

site:poweradmin.com Custom SSL Certificate PA Server Monitor

The title of the page is "Custom SSL Certificate"

(I would just give you the link but we've disabled links because of spam)


answered 16 hours ago

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Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Last updated: 16 hours ago