
We did a recent update to 5.6.0. with PA Server monitor ultra.
Everything is fine except that in "Group Overview" the view isn't the way it used to be like disabled monitors are on top of the list now, or the server are sort by name.
I check every setting i could and try couple of thing in the registry ( not too much, i'm afraid to brake something)
but I couldn't change the view. 
Is there an option to change that?

Thank you in advance

asked 15 Mar '15, 18:57

fellowUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We just pushed out an update that will let you control the sorting of the servers on that Group Overview (columns) report and also the All Servers report.

To change it, right-click the Servers/Devices node and go to Reports -> Group Reports. From there you can click the report you want to modify and the Edit button to change it's sorting.


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answered 17 Mar '15, 10:03

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank you i will try it


answered 18 Mar '15, 01:42

fellowUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 15 Mar '15, 18:57

Seen: 5,440 times

Last updated: 18 Mar '15, 01:42